7. Modular JavaScript
7.1 Source Structure
Remark template features a highly modular JavaScript source system. Each page only uses the JavaScript it needs and nothing more.
The complied files are under (layout)/assets/js
and global/js/
├── config/
├── Plugin/ (speical plugin for site)
├── App/ (app script, such as: Calendar, Forum...)
├── Section/ (site section script, such as: nav, sidebar...)
├── BaseApp.js (basic script for app)
└── Site.js (site initialize function)
├── config/ (global config, such as color)
├── Plugin/ (3rd plugins adapter)
├── Base.js (core script)
├── Component.js (simple viewmodel class)
├── Config.js (getter/setter helper for config)
└── Plugin.js (base plugin class)
You can find their source files from (layout)/src/es/
and global/src/es
7.2 ES2015
With new remark 3.0, every js scripts have been rewritten in ES2015 to take advantage of the newest JavaScript enhancements and use babel
as a compiler.
The new features make our code more strong and readable.
We use babel-preset-env
and UMD support in the babel config. You can customize them in global/tasks/scripts.js
7.3 Core Script
In global/js/Base.js
, we provided three useful functionalities: Site initialization, Config api, and Component registration.
is the core Class of Remark Template, it's defined in global/js/Component.js
You can define an component extend Component
, and when you initialize it, the component have to reference an element already in the DOM by pass the jquery element object as an option:
class Menubar extends Component {
let menubar = new Menubar({
$el: $('.site-menubar')
7.4 Site initialization
We provided a site initialization script which helps you hook your scripts into the process easily.
It will sets up all theme functionalities e.g. menubar, gridmenu, sidebar...
You can hook your scripts by extending Site
Example code snippet below:
class Site extends Base {
process() {
In your html, just add the scripts as follows:
All theme functionalities will be initialized. If you need to add some extensions, you can inherit Site class
//need complie by babel
class YourSite extends Site {
$(document).ready(function() {
7.5 Config api
In global/js/Config.js
, we provide a simple getter/setter api. By them, you can share your config data on all your js files loaded in the page.
For example, you can setup your site configs in your assets/js/config/tour.js
Config.set('tour', {
steps: [{
element: "#toggleMenubar",
position: "right",
intro: "Offcanvas Menu <p class='content'>It is nice custom navigation for desktop users and a seek off-canvas menu for tablet and mobile users</p>"
}, {
element: "#toggleFullscreen",
intro: "Full Screen <p class='content'>Click this button you can view the admin template in full screen</p>"
}, {
element: "#toggleChat",
position: 'left',
intro: "Quick Conversations <p class='content'>This is a sidebar dialog box for user conversations list, you can even create a quick conversation with other users</p>"
skipLabel: "<i class='wb-close'></i>",
doneLabel: "<i class='wb-close'></i>",
nextLabel: "Next <i class='wb-chevron-right-mini'></i>",
prevLabel: "<i class='wb-chevron-left-mini'></i>Prev",
showBullets: false
Then in your assets/js/site.js
let tourOptions = Config.get('tour');
7.6 Plugin adapter and Data API
In global/js/Plugin.js
we also provide a simple adapter to register and organize your 3rd component.
The raty obj
const NAME = 'rating';
class Rating extends Plugin {
getName() {
return NAME;
static getDefaults() {
return {
targetKeep: true,
icon: 'font',
starType: 'i',
starOff: 'icon wb-star',
starOn: 'icon wb-star orange-600',
cancelOff: 'icon wb-minus-circle',
cancelOn: 'icon wb-minus-circle orange-600',
starHalf: 'icon wb-star-half orange-500'
render() {
if (!$.fn.raty) {
let $el = this.$el;
if (this.options.hints) {
this.options.hints = this.options.hints.split(',');
You can defined the defaults options in the static function getDefaults()
and initialize the plugin in the render()
. The render()
function will be invoked when Plugin is initialized;
And then you can use the function below to register plugin:
Plugin.register(NAME, Rating);
Default Options for 3rd plugin
We define the default options for 3rd plugin by default property in each components' object. You can modify the default property to suit your use case. When you manually initialize plugin, you can get the defaults options as follow:
import {getDefaults} from Plugin;
var defaults = getDefaults('{plugin name}');
Data API
The full implementation code:
Our plugin solution is very similar with Bootstrap data-api syntax. It's a modular way to organize the initialize script for the 3rd plugin.
Just like Bootstrap data-api
usage, add data-plugin="{plugin name}"
to element and add [data-{options}]
to element. The components will be initialized.
For example:
// Load plugin necessary files
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/vendor/raty/jquery.raty.css">
<script src="assets/vendor/raty/jquery.raty.js"></script>
// Load Component register file
<script src="global/js/Plugin/raty.js"></script>
// Plugin dom
<div class="rating" data-score="4" data-plugin="rating"></div>
The rating component will be initialized after when page ready.
If we write script without our component solution, it will be
// Load plugin necessary files
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/vendor/raty/jquery.raty.css">
<script src="../global/vendor/raty/jquery.raty.js"></script>
// Component dom
<div class="rating" data-score="4"></div>
// Init Script
var $this = $(this);
var score = $this.data('score');
score: score,
targetKeep: true,
icon: "font",
starType: "i",
starOff: "icon wb-star",
starOn: "icon wb-star orange-600",
cancelOff: "icon wb-minus-circle",
cancelOn: "icon wb-minus-circle orange-600",
starHalf: "icon wb-star-half orange-500"
The code is simple for one instance, but if you need use a lot rating instaces in different pages, and all rating instaces have different options or can not be initialized with the same code, that will be hard to maintenance.
Manually call
You can also initialize the component manually:
import {pluginFactory} from Plugin;
let plugin = pluginFactory('rating', $('.page'), options);
And if you want get the registed plugin object, you can use the code below:
import {getPlugin} from Plugin;
let Rating = getPlugin('rating');
let plugin= new Rating($('.page'), options);
Components Initialization
The components initialization script is implemented in assets/js/Site.js
class Site extends Base {
initialize() {
You can remove it if you don't need our components solution.
7.7 Using Site and Plugin Api With ES5.
Site Api
You can using Site.getInstance()
method to get Site
instance. It have some useful api to work with.
For example, you can initialze all plugin components with initializePlugins
var site = Site.getInstance();
method can works with specific dom element.
var site = Site.getInstance();
Plugin Api
YOu can use Plugin
instance to work with plugins.
The getDefaults
method will return the default options of a specific plugin that uesd in the Remark
var defaults = Plugin.getDefaults('switchery');
// Define the options
var options = jQuery.extends(true, defaults, {
color: '#64bd63'
var elem = document.querySelector('.switch');
var switchery = new Switchery(elem, options);
The getPlugin
method will a specific plugin instance wrapper to work with the plugin.
The code below will works result the same as the code above:
It use custom color option for the .switch
element. Also the options will extends the default template specific settings.
var Switcher = Plugin.getPlugin('switchery');
var #elem = $('.switch');
var plugin= new Switcher($elem, {
color: '#64bd63'