3. Building Tools
3.1 Files Structure
We supply building tools for each layouts and global folder. They are independent that you need install the packages separately. The files relating to the building tools you will see below:
├── tasks/
├── .babelrc
├── config.js
├── gulpfile.babel.js
└── package.json
3.2 Install Tools
Node version manager
Install NVM. And use the latest version of NodeJS.
nvm install node
nvm use node
Install Sass
Go to sass-lang.com/install for installation in command line.
gem install sass
Before install sass, you should install Ruby and install Gem.
Install Babel
npm install --global babel-cli
Install Gulp
npm install --global gulp-cli
Install Bower
npm install --global bower
3.3 Getting started
Install Dependencies
Before using gulp, we need go to the layout folder, installing the dependencies.
$ npm install
And install dependencies from bower.
$ bower install
Build the project
$ gulp
3.4 List of Gulp tasks
To run separate task type in command line gulp [task_name]
Almost all tasks also have watch mode - gulp watch:[task_name]
, but you don't need to use it directly.
Main tasks
Task name | Description |
default |
will start all tasks required by project in dev mode: initial build, watch files, run server with livereload |
build |
builds all content and assets from src to html and assets . |
dev |
builds your project without optimization. |
Core tasks
Task name | Description |
styles |
compile all scss from src/scss to assets/css folder. |
scripts |
compile all js from src/es to assets/js folder. |
html |
compile all hbs files to html files. |
usemin |
replaces references to non-optimized scripts or stylesheets into a set of HTML files |
skins |
compile all scss from src/skins to assets/skins folder. |
Assets related tasks
Task name | Description |
vendor |
copy vendor files from registry distributions to assets/vendor path. |
fonts |
copy files from src/fonts path to assets/fonts path. |
images |
optimize and copies images in src/images to assets/images . |
Dev tasks
Task name | Description |
clean |
remove html folder. |
beautify |
beautify your source files in src/scss and src/es . |
server |
start a BrowserSync instance. |
watch |
watchs for changes in src/ path and rebuilds parts of the site as necessary. |
Dev tasks
Task name | Description |
examples |
generate examples assets |
Version tasks
Task name | Description |
version:major |
MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes |
version:minor |
MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner |
version:patch |
PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes. |
version |
alias to version:path . |
All available tasks are placed in a folder tasks
3.5 Configuration
Global variables and site metadata can be found inside config.js
. Your can make some modification in the file.